DOWN! Arcade Game Template

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by cgranule
DOWN! Arcade Game Template Android Ecommerce Mobile App template


Download the game : Google Play
Web Preview : Here


DOWN! Arcade Game Template!
Gameplay : Jump down, far is good!
Unity3D, very easy to reskin, just drag and drop assets
Unity 5.2 above


Reskin and Customization

Down! is well-built for purpose easy reskining and customization and build in Unity3D. You can change all entire the template like buttons, fonts, color, and also IDs for your game services in easiest way.. Editing the assets is very simple and easy, just drag and drop in Unity. We have created a easy way to adding more character, change the IDs (UnityAds, Achievement, Leaderboard…).


We using online documentation and we keep it up to date with customers question. We need you to improve the documentation.
So, let’s make a money with this template!

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