Food Delivery Flutter + PHP Laravel Admin Panel

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by SmarterVision
Food Delivery Flutter + PHP Laravel Admin Panel Flutter Food & Goods Delivery Mobile App template


– Version: 2.2.0
– Last update: 26/05/2020
– File Included: Full Source code of Flutter App (Android & iOS) with PHP Admin Panel
– Delivery Boy App not included
– Exclusive on Envato Markets

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Please view our support section for important notes and questions.

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Multi Restaurants Flutter PHP Laravel Backend

Complete solution using flutter framework created by Google is an open-source mobile application development. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications

Our solution uses Laravel (PHP Framework for Web Artisans) Laravel is a web application framework with an expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.

Flutter App Features:

  • Multiple Restaurants or Restaurants directory Management System
  • Google Maps for showing restaurants on the maps with direction to them
  • Entities & Models are ready to use.
  • Clean & organized Dart Language code using MVC Pattern
  • Easy to restyle and theming by on your branding sites.
  • Working fine with bright and dark mode.
  • Awesome animations are ready to use: Hero Animations, Parallax Animations, Sliding & Swiping animations
  • Working really well on both iOS and Android with support with 60 frames per second (fps).
  • Stripe, RazorPay, Paypal, Payments gateway.
  • Cash on delivery and payment on pickup methods
  • Support RTL languages (Arabic, Farisi…)
  • Push notification using FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging)
  • Login
  • Register
  • Walkthrough
  • Home
  • Restaurant Details
  • Maps Explorer
  • Menu of Restaurants
  • Food Details
  • Cart
  • Checkout
  • Notifications
  • User Profile
  • User Orders
  • User Favorites Foods
  • App Settings
  • App Languages
  • Help & Supports
  • Account Settings

Admin Panel (PHP Laravel) Features:

  • Admin dashboards and statistics.
  • Multi Roles and Permission (Admin, Restaurant Manager, Client,...).
  • Stripe, RazorPay, Paypal, Payments gateway
  • Multi-language Admin panel (English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch…).
  • Social media Authentications.
  • Medias & File Manager Integrated

Admin Panel

Food Delivery Flutter   PHP Laravel Admin Panel - 12
User or email:
Password: 123456

Restaurant Manager
User or email:
Password: 123456

User or email:
Password: 123456

Customer Mobile App Demo

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Customer 1
User or email:
Password: 123456

Customer 2
User or email:
Password: 123456

Delivery Boy Mobile App Demo (NOT INCLUDED IN THIS ITEM)

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Driver / Delivery Boy
User or email:
Password: 123456


This is online documentation, this link can help you how to getting started with flutter and how to use Multi Restaurants App

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What they say about our Apps ?

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Bright App Screenshots

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Dark App Screenshots

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Cool Animations

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Change Log

V2.2.0   |    12-06-2020

- Customer Mobile Application
Add RazorPay payment gateway
Add Cancel order
Fix delivery range issues
Add new UI design for tracking orders and orders pages.
Fix Portuguese translation
Fix checkout when a customer chooses to pick up the order
Fix order details and amounts.
Fix hint value in tracking steps
Update dependencies with flutter 1.17.1
Update documentation

- Admin Panel Application
Add RazorPay payment gateway settings
Update payment and currencies in settings
Fix change roles issue for client and manager
Fix order details and amounts.
Fix some internal bugs
Update documentation

V2.1.1   |    26-05-2020

- Customer Mobile Application
Fix add to cart (Category Page)
Fix place order (Checkout Page)
Add mobile phone and address verification before complete checkout (User must fill his mobile phone and address to complete his order)
Update dependencies (flutter 1.17.1)
Update documentation

- Admin Panel Application
Fix translation in the dashboard.
Fix redirection to dashboard when admin login to his account.
Fix currency in the chart of the dashboard.
Fix the edit button on the payout page of drivers.
Fix create restaurant required fields verification
Fix custom fields view button.
Fix installation issue for AWS and DigitalOcean database name and username fields
Update documentation

V2.1.0   |    23-05-2020

- Customer Mobile Application
Fix duplicate extra groups and extra (Food Detail Page)
Fix food detail and category in release mode
Fix notification ios issues
Change translation files folder to lib/l10n/ to simplify the generation of dart file from arb.
Update dependencies (flutter 1.17.1)
Update documentation

- Admin Panel Application
Fix unit, deliverable, package_items_count fields when creating new food
Fix weight field when adding new food
Fix add/edit cuisines
Fix permissions and roles
Fix default avatar when register a new user
Fix favorite extra URL
Update documentation

V2.0.0   |    16-05-2020

- Customer Mobile Application
Add closed/open restaurant
Add delivery range for restaurant
Add extras groups ( create unlimited extra like size, taste ...)
Add cuisines (each restaurant has one or multi-cuisines)
Add unit of weight in food
Fix disable/enable payments
Fix most popular markets grid size (Home Screen)
Fix duplicate search food & restaurants
Fix Trending foods by order count (Home Screen)
Fix Categories Image SVG and PNG format
Fix currency in the right/left of the price
Fix notification when application loaded
Fix notification click to the orders page
Fix loading when denied permission to location
Fix trending foods this week based on orders count (Home Screen).
Fix most popular restaurants based on orders count (Home Screen)
Fix Featured product in (Restaurant details Screen)
Fix Search for foods
Fix Change theme dark/light
Fix delivery address when paying cash on delivery
Update documentation

- Admin Panel Application
Fix options for each market
Fix request rules (Admin commission)
Fix roles (Admin, Manager, Driver, Client)
Fix Invoice details
Fix Stripe and PayPal currency
Fix saved search in all tables
Fix number fields step
Fix permissions for each user
Fix Media Library for manager
Fix update profile for each user
Fix Earning table for manager
Fix Earning table for driver
Fix delivery address when paying cash on delivery
Update documentation

V1.9.4   |    26-04-2020
UPDATE doesn't need to go to your , just replace files

- Fix android building APK errors

V1.9.3   |    25-04-2020
UPDATE doesn't need to go to your , just replace files

- Fix currency in the right/left of the price
- Fix change profile data from settings
- Fix tracking info in mobile app
- Fix translation sentences
- Fix updates issues
- Fix default avatar issues
- Clear cache button in the admin panel settings

V1.9.2   |    02-04-2020

- Firebase Cloud Messaging - Push notification configuration in Admin Panel
- Fix installation issues
- Fix payment gateway Stripe and PayPal
- Clear cache after the update
- Fix push notification for the manager

V1.9.1   |    01-04-2020
NB: if you have updated the app successfully to 1.9.0 just copy updated file you don't need to run install

- Fix installation issues
- Clear cache after the update
- Fix push notification for the manager

V1.9.0   |    31-03-2020

Add Feature of admin commission
Add Feature of delivery fee (Now each restaurant has a delivery fee)
Add Earning table for each restaurant and the admin can list all restaurant earning
Add Earning for each driver and the admin can see all earning of the driver, and restaurant manager can edit the delivery commission of their drivers
Add Payout option ( Drivers and Restaurant can withdraw their earning)
Add Feature of reviews on the mobile app (client after complete an order, he can put a review on ordered food and the restaurant).
Add push notification for restaurants managers (They can receive a notification when client add new order)
Fix Installation purchase code errors
Update Laravel version to 5.8
Update the documentation
Update the menu
Fix some errors and bugs

V1.8.0   |    21-03-2020
Skip login and visit restaurants and their menu before login or signup (App Store requirement)
Add configuration of mobile application from admin panel (change colors, version, language, google maps api...)
Fix splash screen logo ( just replace your logo in [assets/img/logo.png] to get splash screen ready)
Fix delete item from the cart
Fix RTL issues and margins
Fix default language when restart the app
Fix some errors and bugs
V1.7.0   |    27-01-2020
Fix forget password in mobile application and admin panel
Fix some errors and bugs
Fix installation and updates issues
V1.6.2   |    19-12-2019
Fix installation and updates issues
V1.6.1   |    17-12-2019
Fix installation issues
V1.6.0   |    16-12-2019
Add Order detail in the admin panel
Add Delivery Address
Add Delivery boy application integration
Add Assign delivery boy to order
Add a new role (Driver) to manage assigned orders
Fix installation issues
Update documentation
Update flutter 1.12
V1.5.0   |    05-12-2019
Add Arabic, Spanish, French, Korean, Portuguese Language
Add Cached Images to boost app performance
Fix call and direction to restaurants buttons in restaurants details
Fix migration files
Update installation method and fix problem of lseedServiceProvider
Update documentation
Update composer.json and pubspec.yaml
V1.4.1   |    02-12-2019
Update documentation
Update composer.json and pubspec.yaml
V1.4.0   |    29-11-2019
App payment cash on delivery method
App payment cash on pickup method
App push notification when order status changed using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) (Settings -> Push Notifications)
Add RTL Languages Support
Change the app languages from the mobile app
Add tracking orders
Add payment confirmation screen
Fix order from the same restaurant only (Now the shows you a dialog to reset cart if you add foods from different restaurant)
Update documentation
V1.3.0   |    06-11-2019
Add PayPal payment gateway Settings Payment Setting> to update PayPal conditionals
Add google maps direction to nearby restaurants
Add show/hide password in login and signup forms
Update documentation
Fix the problem of installation require database connexion
Fix $langFiles not found the problem
Fix loading problems
V1.2.2   |    03-11-2019
Fix demo images and file not loaded
V1.2.1   |    27-10-2019
Fix redirect to login if user not authenticated
V1.2.0   |    27-10-2019
Add splash screen to load data from API.
Enable Dark & light theme from the side menu.
Fix Geolocalisation & get the current location of the user.
Fix Maps Explorer (and get only nearby restaurants).
Fix search restaurants and filtered by nearby.
Show distance from the current location to the restaurants.
Fix back button
Fix profile image upload
V1.1.0   |    23-10-2019
Add currency management (Add, Edit, Delete currency).
Add default currency in the setting with currency position (left or right).
Add notification when order status change and when client adds a new order.
Fix refresh food page.
Fix HTML tag in the Help & Support page.
Fix login with facebook in admin panel.
V1.0.1   |    22-10-2019
Fix default language in login page
Fix routes permissions
Update installation method
Update Documentation
V1.0.0   |    19-10-2019
Initial Release

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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