Fortin Quiz Pro

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by mayuri2411
Fortin Quiz Pro Android Game Mobile App template


Update : 29th December, 2016

Import guide :

Fortin Quiz Pro Application with PHP Admin Panel

Fortin Quiz Pro Application is Native Android based Quiz Application which comes with PHP Backend Admin Panel, Application which is designed to provide amazing user experience while playing Quiz on your handsets. Application is super easy to use and customize. Now Improve your General Knowledge just by playing with your fingers at the same time flaunt your higher scores with your friends by sharing on various social media like Facebook Wats app etc. We have provided separate documentation for Android Client Side as well as Server Side. Along with the documentation we have also added the PDF documentation for In App purchase & Google Leaderboards Integration

Please find Demo APK from here,

Demo Admin Panel

username: admin
password: admin@123

JSON Web Services

Get All Categories

Get Sub Category by Category Id

Get Question By Sub Category Id

Get Question By Category Id

Android Side

  • Clean Code and easy classes defined to call JSON Web Services
  • Lazy Loading of Images from Server to provide awesome user experience
  • Quiz App Supports Tablet and Mobile
  • Question as Text and/Or Image
  • In App Purchase
  • GoogleLeaderboard
  • Category & SubCategory wise Questions
  • Scoreboad
  • Splash Screen
  • Sound & Vibrate On/Off
  • Countdown Timer in Quiz On/Off
  • Lifeline 50:50 & Skip Question
  • Admob Banner and Full screen (After quiz ends).
  • Interstial Ads after every 7 questions. (Customizable)
  • Rate My App ( After user play 5 game Customizable.)
  • Strings are in xml.
  • Scoreboard
  • Eclipse Project

Admin Side

  • Simple, Easy & Bootstrap Ready Admin Panel
  • JSON Web Services
  • Add Unlimited Categories & Sub Categories
  • Add Unlimited Questions
  • View / Update Questions
  • MySQL Database

The Whole Package Includes:

Complete Android & PHP Server Source Code with MySQL db Scripts.

Separate source code folders Android Side which is extremely useful for Super Easy Customization
1. With Leaderboard & InApp Purchase
2. Without Leaderboard & InApp Purchase
3. Without Leaderboard & With InApp Purchase
4. With Leaderboard & Without InApp Purchase

    Well Guided Documentation – Separate Documentation for Android Side & Server Side

    All the Graphics used in the App

    Smiling Customer Support

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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