MovieFlash-TMDB Movie Streaming App By Flutter

by FlutterLover
MovieFlash-TMDB Movie Streaming App By Flutter Flutter  Mobile App template


MovieFlash-TMDB Movie Streaming App By Flutter Both Android and IOS

MovieFlash is an amazing cross-platform android and ios movie stream app with full TMDB support.With this template you can create your own movie streaming app with beautiful design! You can easily import movies information by inputing tmdb movies API KEY. It is quick, easy and affordable.

This template provides you easy way to make your own app. It does not require programming skills. Code is easily configurable and customizable. There is just one config file to setting up everything. We have provided you all information how you collect your own tmdb movie id and how to put the id in app source code Project is well documented. Create your own app in less than 15 minutes without any special knowledge! It’s easier than you think.

We have a lot of experience with developing Flutter apps. Our priority is to create top quality products with beautiful design, write a perfectly clean code and make apps easily configurable and customizable. We are following Design Guidelines and permanently watching new trends.

We are always here to help you. Happy customer is the most important thing for us.


  • TMDB movie streaming app
  • Developed by Flutter
  • Support Both Android and IOS
  • Popular movie list
  • Latest movie list
  • Top rated movie list
  • Movie Details with all information
  • Splash screen (launch screen)
  • Top quality clean code created by experienced senior Mobile App developer
  • Easy configuration
  • Well documented
  • Free support

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