NaughtyBoy Game With AdMob

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by rouse_spirit
NaughtyBoy Game With AdMob Android Game Mobile App template


About this game…

There is a naughty boy at the playing park. The boy want to fly across from one big balloon to next one. Please help the boy to have funny time continually.

The item is packed with AdMob template. You can exchange the AdMob Publish ID and make money only for you…

Please check out the demo.

Some Descriptions

  • This item is java project on Eclipse.
  • This item includes one game apk file.
  • This item includes one PSD files used making the resources of this game.
  • All the Image files and Sound files that included, you can use them in your other projects.


  • Supports Android 2.1 onwards
  • Enable AdMob instantly
  • Uses cocos2d
  • Perfect images


  • added AdMob Interstitial ads at GameOver(03/22/14)
  • for AdMob, used Google Play Services SDK instead of Google Mobile Ads SDK
  • The screen resolution has been increased to 960×640.(05/10/14)

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