NewsFlash - News sharing portal with Flutter and Laravel

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by codesolutions101
NewsFlash - News sharing portal with Flutter and Laravel Flutter Sport & Fitness Mobile App template


News Flash

News sharing portal built with laravel and flutter



Flutter App Features

  • Animated Splash screen 
  • Responsive App design 
  • Beautiful UI/UX 
  • Cross Platform with Flutter (Android & iOS)
  • Reusable design codes.
  • View latest news
  • Show single post
  • View post comments
  • Sort posts by single category
  • Sort posts by tag
  • Change app details with your own company Name, Logo etc. (full documentation on how to)
  • Lazy loading from Api call
  • Login and Registration from App
  • Add New Posts from App with image.
  • View your published posts.


Website Features


  • View latest news
  • View single post
  • View posts by category 
  • View posts by tag


  • Add new post
  • Add comment to posts
  • Update avatar,password


  • Categories (Add/update/delete)
  • Tags (Add/update/delete)
  • Post(Add/Delete)
  • Comments (Add/Delete)
  • User (View/delete)
  • Admin settings ( update name,email,password,avatar)
  • Website settings( update site title, site url and site logo)


V2.0 | 10-05-2020
App redesign with dark mode.
Login and Registration from App.
Add New Posts from App with image.






Admin Demo:


password: password



Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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