Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce

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by bolderelements


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This table rate method for WooCommerce has the ability to add multiple rates for a given customer based on a variety of conditions set by admin. These can include shipping destination, cart subtotal, item shipping class, price, weight, and so much more.

List of Features

  • Based conditions and prices on groups of products based on:
    • Order
    • Individual Products
    • Cart Line Items
    • Shipping Class
  • Works with WooCommerce Shipping Zones
  • Multiple instances allowed in each zone
  • Extensive list of conditions:
    • Subtotal
    • Quantity
    • Weight
    • Height
    • Width
    • Length
    • Surface Area
    • Volume
    • Shipping Class
    • Product
    • Category
    • Date Range
    • Day of Week
  • Multiple conditions allowed in each table row
  • Numerous cost options:
    • Flat Price
    • Percentage of Subtotal
    • Multiplied by weight, length, width, height, surface area, volume quantity
    • For every x number of currency, weight, dimensions, and number of products
  • Multiple Costs allowed in each row to create combinations such as:
    • Flat fee + percentage for fuel surcharge
    • Base fee plus additional weight increments
  • Drag ‘n Drop table rows to control the priority of the conditions and costs
  • Disable Shipping Taxes per instance
  • Limit Table Rate methods based on user role
  • Dimensional weight calculations (volume multiplied or divided by a given number)
  • Base subtotal conditions inclusive of tax
  • Base subtotal conditions inclusive of coupons
  • Round weight to next whole number
  • Option to hide this method when the Free Shipping method is active
  • Add description text below the shipping option’s title and price to add more detailed information
  • Choose which method is selected by default
  • Hide other options in the same method when customer qualifies for the selected method

Additional Add-On Plugins

Add more settings to your Table Rate shipping method with these extensions:

Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce - 11

4.3.7 - 2022-10-21
    - Fixed: WooCommerce sanitization functions removing HTML from descriptions output
    - Fixed: Table rows not sortable on brand new methods until saved the first time
    - Updated compatibility versions

4.3.6 - 2022-09-23
    - Fixed: Shortcodes not processing in description on order review page
    - Fixed: Free Shipping counter for descriptions not working with currency converters
    - Fixed: General description field causing PHP error for Polylang users
    - Fixed: PHP8 error caused by Dokan compatibility patch including JS file

4.3.5 - 2022-07-20
    - Fixed: Select Method Conditions not saving properly
    - Fixed: WPML translated strings containing apostrophes not appearing
    - Fixed: Allowed HTML tags removed from description when registering string in WPML
    - Enhanced: Reorganized WCML currency converter to support new free model by WPML
    - Enhanced: Added 'img' and 'span' tags to allowed HTML in descriptions

4.3.4 - 2022-07-02
    - Fixed: Sanitization error not saving weight conditions with comma decimal point
    - Fixed: Saving error for some conditions under the 'Method Conditions' section
    - Fixed: Dragging table rows did not properly save new order
    - Fixed: Cleaned up a few PHP warning messages
    - Enhanced: Improved user friendliness of draggable table rows

4.3.3 - 2022-05-18
    - Fixed: Warning message reappearing about the removed legacy method
    - Fixed: Imported table rows not saving when choosing the 'Delete Existing Rows' option

4.3.2 - 2022-02-20
    - Fixed: Missing 'Method Conditions' section in settings page
    - Fixed: Hide 'Settings from Other Plugins' section when none are available
    - Fixed: Incorrect object used as an argument in a WooCommerce filter call
    - Enhanced: Additional styling changes
    - Updated documentation

4.3.1 - 2022-02-18
    - Fixed: Fixed PHP parsing issue experienced on certain server configurations
    - Enhanced: Updated styling for Dokan dashboard shipping section (frontend)

4.3 - 2022-02-18
    - REMOVED: The legacy Table Rate method has been removed in its entirety
    - Added: Compatibility with Measurement Price Calculator plugin by WooCommerce
    - Added: Parent Description field for each table of rates
    - Added: Column to display Shipping Description on Orders page
    - Enhanced: New seconday option for 'Coupon' condition checks for free shipping
    - Enhanced: Changed format for data range condition to remove third party dependencies
    - Enhanced: Added additional formatting checks on number fields in table of rates
    - Enhanced: Various code changes to meet CodeCanyon standards and requirements
    - Fixed: Dokan Vendor condition box only loading 10 vendors at a time
    - Fixed: User modification by user role not showing assigned shipping methods
    - Fixed: Shipping description not displaying after checkout
    - Fixed: Shipping methods missing from user management page
    - Fixed: Settings added by third party plugins not displaying properly
    - Fixed: Formatting error tooltips hidden
    - Fixed: Refactored how volume and surface area values are calculated
    - Developer: Added ability to add new columns to the table of rates
    - Developer: Several new filters for adjusting individual calculated values

For a complete list of changes, view the full version log.

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