GoTRI Admin Dashboard HTML Bootstrap Angular 7 Starter Kit Template

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by Maxartkiller
GoTRI Admin Dashboard HTML Bootstrap Angular 7 Starter Kit Template   Design Dashboard


GoTRI is responsive HTML template for admin enterprise and non-enterprise mobile application Development. We have created pure HTML and CSS template with based on Bootstrap 4.1.3 framework. We continuously updating template with the framework update. Our Goal is to provide creative , unique and scalable template with lot of customization and flexibility to use components from Library.
We have also try to include as many as possible third party plugins for presenting how they can get incorporated and it look with our template design. We have also provided source website so you can get more information about customization and licences.


  • Go TRI Unique and Creative layout designs
  • Mobile first framework, Built with Bootstrap v4.1.3 HTML5 and CSS3
  • Uses SCSS for easy customization of template color combinations
  • Clean HTML Structure, CSS Classes & JavaScript markup
  • Responsive HTML development specially designed for large screen and small devices
  • We have given free Angular 6, 7 Starter kit

Pages we have included are:

  • Dashboard
    • Production
    • Networking
    • Finance
    • eCommerce
    • Social
    • ToDo
  • App Pages
    • Mailbox
    • Profile
    • Chat
    • Contact us
    • Team
    • About
    • Blog
    • Blog Details
  • eCommerce
    • Products
    • Product Details
    • Cart
    • Payment Info
    • Invoice
  • Other Pages
    • Sign In
    • Sign Up
    • Error
    • 404
    • 500
    • Comming Soon
    • FAQs
  • Charts and Maps
    • Chart js
    • Sparkline js
    • jVector Map
    • 404
    • 500
    • Coming Soon
    • FAQs
  • Layout
    • Boxed Layout
    • Full width
  • Icons
    • Material icons
    • Icon Style
  • Control
    • Cards
    • Carousel
    • Chart
    • Chat
    • Events
    • Large Dropdown
    • Files
    • Media
    • navbar
    • News
    • Pricing
    • Product
    • Ratings
    • Summary Block
    • Timeline
    • User Block
    • Userlist
    • Wizard
    • Alert
  • Other Controls
    • MultiSelect
    • Picker
    • Auto Complete
    • Context Menu
    • Editor
    • Toast Message
    • Dragable Sort-able
    • Tour Popover
    • DropZone
  • Table
    • Table
    • FooTable
    • DataTable

We like to thank all third parties mentioned and for providing free images. We really love images and quality provides. We also love our customer and soon we have more with GoTRI Admin Dashboard responsive HTML template.

Please rate us and share GoTRI HTML admin Template

Admin dashboard bootstrap responsive template, Admin Panel responsive template, Admin responsive Dashboard template, Admin ui responsive dashboard template, Bootstrap admin html template, Bootstrap Admin responsive Dashboard template, Bootstrap4 modern admin template, Clean admin responsive html template, Clean admin responsive html5 admin template, Creative admin responsive template, HTML5 clean responsive Admin templates, Modern responsive admin dashboard template, Responsive bootstrap html admin template, Trending Admin Bootstrap Responsive Template, Web Application responsive admin template

Other Mobile Product : Mobile HTML Bootstrap / F7 Template

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