Modern Web To App - Android and iOS

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by infibrain
Modern Web To App - Android and iOS Flutter  Mobile App template


Modern Web To App

  • Modern Web To App is a flutter application which uses flutter web view component for displaying content.
  • With this application you can turn your responsive website into a Modern Web To App
  • This application provides you easy way to make your own app
  • Create your own app with in minutes without any special knowledge!
  • We are following Android/iOS Design Guidelines
  • A State of the Art Technology which renders your web in form of Mobile App

Application features :

  • Implement Material Theme
  • Responsive Design
  • It supports HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, etc…
  • You can load also local HTML files
  • App supports Intents. You can add a special link in HTML file and you can able to open link into external app like Phone(Call) app, SMS app, Google Map, External Browser, etc…

Code description:

  • Flutter elements
  • Universal code
  • Admob ads
  • Support Android 4.1 to 9.0 version
  • Support above iOS 6.0 version

We are offering free and paid support with this application

Free support includes:

  • We will help you to import this project into your Android Studio/Xcode on your laptop/pc
  • We will also help you to build and generate apk, ipa

Paid support includes:

  • Any design changes in existing app
  • Any new feature development
  • Publish app on Google play store/App store

Download Demo APK

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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